Source: filter/post/Builder.js

const { arrayOrString, COMPARATOR } = require('../lib');
const Filter = require('./Filter');
const FILTER_KEY = Symbol('Filter');
/** [Builder]{@link PostFilter} */
class PostFilterBuilder {
   * Can be constructed by { @link WebhoseQuery }
    this[FILTER_KEY] = new Filter({});
   * The language of the post. The default is any.
   *  Find posts in French or Italian: (language:french OR language:italian)
   * @param {(Array|String)}
   * @return {this}
  language(lang){ this[FILTER_KEY].language = arrayOrString(lang); return this}
   * Return posts written by a specific author
   * Find posts written by Admin: author:Admin
   * @param {String} author
   * @return {this}
  author(a){ this[FILTER_KEY].author = a; return this};
  //TODO get method, and above concat with text, or maybe not needed. Depends on formatter
   * A textual Boolean query describing the keywords that should (or shouldn’t) appear in the post text. text:(apple OR android)
   * @param {String|Array} text
   * @return {this}
  text(t){ this[FILTER_KEY].text = t; return this;}
   * A Boolean parameter that specifies if to search only for posts that contain a video. has_video:true
   * @param {Boolean} has_vide
   * @return {this}
  has_video(b){ this[FILTER_KEY].has_video = b; return this;}
   * Search for posts that included links to another site.
   * Search for posts that linked to LinkedIn (note that both the slashes and colons are prefixed by a backslash):
   * external_links:https\:\/\/*
   * @param {Array} eL - unescaped Links
   * @return {PostFilterBuilder} this
  external_links(eL){ this[FILTER_KEY].external_links = arrayOrString(eL); return this}
   * A Boolean parameter that specifies if to search only on the first post (exclude the comments) is_first:true
   * @param {Boolean} is_first
   * @return {this}
  is_first(f){ this[FILTER_KEY].is_first = f; return this}
   * For review posts, the rating parameter provides the star rating for the review, a floating number between 0.0 to 5.0.
   * Return all the posts with rating greater than 0: rating:>0
   * @param {Number}
   * @param {@link COMPARATOR}
   * @return {this}
  rating(r,comp=COMPARATOR.GT){ this[FILTER_KEY].rating = `${comp}${r}`; return this}
   * A time-stamp (in milliseconds) enable you to filter posts that were published before or after certain date/time.
   * Return posts published after Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:16:28 GMT: published:>1490865388
   * @param {(number|Date)}
   * @param {@link COMPARATOR}
   * @return {this}
  published(p, comp=COMPARATOR.GT){ this[FILTER_KEY].published = `${comp}${p}`; return this;}
   * Returns the underlying filter Object
   * @return {PostFilter}
  build(){ return this[FILTER_KEY];}

 * Module Exports
 * @see PostFilterBuilder
 * @module filter/post
module.exports = PostFilterBuilder;